1.5L Pineapple Juice Drink


The Del Monte® bricks bar range in 1,5L contains fruit juice from concentrate and puree with vitamins and sweeteners.

The Del Monte® bricks bar juices and nectars range is ideal for cocktails. 

Del Monte® 1,5L Pineapple Bar Juice contains 52% minimum of fruit. 

1.5L ACE Juice Drink 100% Del Monte Gold® Pineapple Juice 1L 100% Pure Apple Juice 1L 100% Pure Gold® Pineapple Juice 1L 100% Pure Orange Juice 1L Mango and Papaya Juice 1L Tomato Juice 1L Tropical Juice
Nutrition Facts (per portion : 100 ml):
Ενέργεια 43 kcal
Λιπαρά 0g
Υδατάνθρακες 10.1 g
εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα 10.1 g
Πρωτεΐνες 0.3 g
Αλάτι 0.01 g
Βιταμίνη C 12 mg 15%
Φυτικές Ίνες 0.5 g